Monday, April 8, 2013

"Adela", or "How I Almost Became a Househusband"

            By my sophomore year of high school, I had already come to hate my small school and the stifling environment I was living in. I figured, like any middle-class kid with supportive parents would, why not study abroad? So, in January 2008, I found myself on a plane to Italy to spend six months living with a family an hour outside of Torino.
            Towards the end of my stay there, after almost getting kicked out of my Italian high school and having the honor of being both Liceo Classico G.F. Porporato’s first and last exchange student, the organization that arranged my stay planned a getaway for all of the exchange students in the country. This three or four day trip took place in a town called Ivrea, which is old as sin and every year holds a celebration called the Carnevale di Ivrea, or more fittingly, the Carnevale di Arancia. The whole point of this carnival is to dress up in funny (medieval) costumes to throw oranges (arancia) at each other.
            I don’t remember what I thought when I first found out that there was going to be a weekend getaway for all of us students. I faintly remember being really excited (I’m sure I have the Facebook messages to prove it), but my memory is clouded by alcohol, hormones, little sleep, too much free time, and a girl named Adela.

            Saturday night, I assume it was, was the last night we were all crammed into our massive, salmon colored, nun-run ‘hostel.' In fitting 16 or 17 year-old fashion, we were allowed to go out on the town (an unsurprisingly sleepy place) to explore. Almost all of us went straight to the bars or bottle shops (there is no drinking age in Italy (wine, culture)) to get slammed. Oddly enough, the only free drink I have ever received was given to me by a (female) bartender that night. To this day I hold to it that, like everything that stemmed from that night, it was a simple misunderstanding.
            After we all marched back to the hostel, we decided not to go to bed, and instead to keep drinking. One thing led to another, and then led me to a small room with a handful of other k ids and a bottle of Sambuca. In that same room was Adela, a beautiful Slovakian I had met on the train a couple of days before. She was smarter than I was, she spoke better Italian than I did, and she both intimidated and amazed me. We ended up making out in a hallway for the rest of the night.
            We left the next day, and although I don’t remember the train ride back to Torino, I do vividly remember Adela weeping in the train station as we were all saying goodbye to each other. Along with being smarter than I was, she was also much more emotional.
            We traded Skype names, I think, and spoke and texted every now and then for a short time. Somewhere shortly thereafter we happened to fall in love, or as I see it now, develop a crippling and devastating need for each other. I had plans to see her in Alessandria, but she got sick, she had plans to come up, but something else happened. We didn’t see each other again before we left to go home, her to Popudinske y Mocidlany, Slovakia, and me to Gainesville, Florida.
            I dreamt of Adela, I thought of her endlessly, I wanted her more than anything. I would call her la mia principessa and she would call me il mio principe and we invented a future for ourselves that sprang up from nowhere faster than weeds in spring. We spoke everyday, for hours, and every now and then she would end up weeping because non possiamo starci insieme, ‘we can’t be together.’


            Anyone that has ever carried out a conversation in a second language knows that there is only so much that you can express; emotions are often truncated and generalized, desires become cliché and simplistic, and arguments become silly and repetitive. Maybe it was because we were too infatuated with one another, but it never dawned on me through the the never ending stream of ti amo’s and sei l’unica’s that we talked about almost nothing.
            Despite the uneven ground upon which we had built our castle together, our relationship continued to evolve and grow more serious. I spent entire class periods talking to her via instant messenger about her classes or her friends or her family. Her mother and father were unhappily married; when her mother found out that she was pregnant with Adela she was forced to marry Adela’s father, a grumpy and bone-crushingly silent man. This led them to force Adela to study and to achieve more than they had been able to. Even though we communicated in a foreign language, I could tell how much of a disastrous effect this had on her, but I couldn’t do anything because sei cosí lontano da me. She wouldn’t tell me until a year or two later, but she cracked under pressure and, had her father not come home from work early, she might have killed herself.
            Our desire to escape our homes fed the flames of whatever you would call our relationship. She received almost perfect grades, won a prize at the Model United Nations for the entire European Union, and got into the best university in Eastern Europe. I played Pokemon on my Gameboy in class, spent a record-breaking amount of time in detention, and got into a small liberal arts college far from home. We made plans to see each other the summer after I graduated; non vedo l’ora di rivederti, Adelina mia, I’d say over and over.


            Adela lived in a small farming village in rural Slovakia, near the border with the Czech Republic. Almost all of her extended family lived in this village, and I was welcomed with open arms by everyone but her parents. They were afraid that what had happened to them would happen to her, and because I don’t speak Slovakian, they put unreasonable amounts of pressure on her to get rid of me. Being an18 year-old, far from home, supposedly in love, this made us grow even closer. For three weeks I stayed with them, under the very close watch of her mother.
            I became close with her cousins and, although they spoke no English, they always invited us over and even threw a huge party for me. The cops ended up showing up at some point that night, and her older cousin, who went by Bucman, told the officer that he wanted to speak to his lawyer before he spoke to them. They made me feel more at home, siamo amici, I’d say, even though her mother mi odia.
            Eventually we went to Prague for a weekend, which allowed us to pretend that all had worked out well and we were actually the couple we thought we were. It was all a blur, at one point she ended up blacking out during a pub crawl and I had to carry her back to our hostel. That, I would say, was when we started to wear on each other.
            We said our goodbyes not long thereafter in Bratislava. She took me to the train station and watched me board my train for Vienna and cried the entire time. We talked of getting married because we didn’t know better, and parted ways.


            College changed everything for both of us. We still spoke frequently, but contact trailed off as we realized that the world was bigger than what we had previously imagined. She studied economics and got lost in her work and the newfound freedom she was granted living in Prague. I drifted through an aimless first year of college and met other women. We got mad at one another more and more often, and we stopped making plans for the future.
            At one point though, she told me that if I really wanted to be her principe, that if davvero mi vuoi sposare, I could come back next summer and we could be married. By this time, however, it had started to dawn on us that it wouldn’t work, that whatever we thought we had was an outlet for all of the frustration and boredom that we felt at home. She was freed from her parents, I was freed from my private high school in the South, and we had fallen in love with other, more accessible things.
             By now, I have almost forgotten her blue-gray eyes, her brown-blonde hair, the fragility of her voice, and that birthmark on her chest, right above her heart. We still speak every now and then, only now I’m no longer il mio principe, but instead ‘Mr. Smith,’ and we share less in common now than ever.
            In certain circles, Adela has simply become that girl I almost married that one time, which makes me sound much more interesting than I am, but undeniably she made me a better person. She made me care about school, she made me learn Italian fluently, she made me listen to others and talk about my feelings, even if it was in a second language.

Target publication: Who would ever want to publish this?


  1. Hello Mr. Smith,

    I think your target publication is kinda a cop out, huh? Modern Love, maybe?

    ANYWAY: I really enjoyed reading this and it was an easy read for me (in that it was clearly, cleanly written—not unintelligent). It's an interesting story and one that wouldn't come up in day-to-day conversation. And it's sweet. (But not too sweet?)

    I feel like I want more out of your conclusion, somehow. Right now it ties up pretty nicely, but given that there are parts of your story that are so sentimental I almost don't want that ribbon on it. I'm also interested in your section breaks and whether you could condense the story at all (or if that would even benefit it).

    You're great. See you tomorra. PEACE


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think this is a really well-crafted story. The emotional landscape of the relationship is charted quite nicely. I appreciate the honesty and the lack of syrupy details. Oftentimes, stories like this can become bogged down in romanticized notions of the past. Thankfully, there are no rose-colored glasses here. It's not super sentimental, but it's not heartless, either. You really nailed the right emotional tone.

    The voice of the narrator also hooked me in and made me eager to follow along with the plot. If there were pages I would have been turning them rapidly. Lots of funny moments were sprinkled in throughout, as well.

    The main critique I have is that I wanted more details. The story takes place in several foreign countries, but I don't really get a sense of these places. Also, we don't really get a mental picture of this lady until the end, so she's kind of a shadowy figure throughout. I also felt a little bit lost in terms of time/place in the second section. Fix those things and I think you're golden.

    I also think you should delete the last paragraph. It ends perfectly if you remove it.


  4. This is a very well structured and captivating story. I really liked your second to last paragraph that gives the reader enough detail to imagine Adela and yet they can’t see the full picture, just like the narrator can no longer. I also think the inclusion of Italian words was a good choice and gave a certain flavor to the story.

    I thought that there was some confusion about why you wanted to be away from your high school. The narrator says it but doesn’t really explain it or show it enough to make it comparable to Adela’s desire to escape from her family problems. I think that there could have been a bit more punch to the finale as well so we can really see how she affected the narrator.

    Overall I really liked the tempo, voice, and structure of the piece. The topic was really interesting too, can’t wait to talk more about it.

  5. Chandler,

    This is long and there’s a lot of story that doesn’t stand out from other parts of the story. My guess is that because you had already figured out your attitude toward this story before you wrote the piece, you wrote it in a static voice. Throughout the entire thing, you’re pointing out your foolishness at age sixteen. You’re cynical about every bit of action. It’s funny, but gets distracting after a while. The trajectory of this narrative is that you realize your foolishness as you go on, over years. Some would call this maturing. To convey the dynamism implicit here, you need to hide your analysis, especially at the beginning.

    I was skimming through some Modern Love pieces, and this one made me think of yours: The last line in the fifth paragraph, in particular, captures the voice I’m trying to describe in the previous para. She implies the foolishness of her behavior, but she describes exactly what she was doing, perhaps hyperbolically. And it allows her to keep the humor. Don’t tilt your hand, at least not at the beginning. Does that make sense?

    Cut the parentheticals. They don’t help. Anytime that you want to keep whatever’s in them, figure out how to do it in prose. It’s harder but worth it. Or make a rule for yourself of one parenthetical per piece. I have a similar rule about double dashes from a time when I was addicted to them. Actually, mixing up the grammatical devices you use for asides is probably the best strategy.

    Make the sequence of events more clear. You do a lot of traveling. You’re back and forth to Europe and in many places throughout Europe. It’s confusing for the reader. You could probably turn this weakness into a strength by turning travel and modes of travel into a motif. Mention every plane or train ride, and make them stand out in some way—like always start paras with them or always use the exact same syntax in these sentences. They’ll signal transitions for the reader and allow you to build the narrative in smaller “chapters” without actually designating chapters.

    It’s totally a Modern Love piece. I’ve seen less compelling material in some of the published Modern Love pieces I looked through.

    To workshop!


  6. Woah. This hit a nerve, I should say before I write my response. I met a boy on my study abroad in high school who I’ve been writing letters to for 5 years, so this tugged at some of those heart strings.

    I think that this is a great description of the adoration that you felt for each other. I’d love more description of some of the characters. Her mother, the brief description of her father was interesting, especially when you’re talking about such a different culture. How did being in Italy impact your relationship? What was she like?

    When you say that you start to wear on each other, expand maybe a little bit here, I’m interested. Generally just some more information in the places mentioned, but a wonderful story.


  7. Chandler,

    The whole time I read this, I just kept thinking about how well this would fit with the whole "Modern Love" category. It is a captivating story that speaks not just to love, but to the pain of distance and the lessons of adolescence and maturation. I like how you broke this up into sections because it made a lot of material a little bit easier to digest. If anything, I would suggest cutting down some of the material to make everything flow better. I would cut out any of the asides that are not helping the progression of the story and, instead, focus on giving more details about what made you guys drift apart.

    Overall, your voice within the story tugs at my heart strings and the distance felt so real to me. It is a very good topic that gives the reader an insight to a universal human emotion in an international context.

    I am looking forward to discussing this in workshop and I can't wait to see what you come up with for your final piece. Good work!


  8. The more of these pieces I read the more solidified I become in my opinion that I produced the only truly shitty first draft. Your piece put the final nail in my coffin chandler. In the best possible way. I've said this a couple times but you did an excellent job crafting a piece that was capturing to read by itself but also in context with this assignment. I enjoyed your style and ability to keep the reader interested despite the longer paragraphs. Because It is a longer piece I am inclined to say it could use trimming but after review I'm not sure it can. You are obviously a seasoned artist and have taken time to craft yourself as such (poetry, photography, writing etc.) Where I wonder if this piece falters is that I know these things about you and give you more credit than credit is due. Maybe it stood out to me so well because I can hear you reading it? How well would it land with a complete stranger? I am not sure, all i know is that I enjoyed it.

    More in workshop. See you soon

  9. Hey Chandler,
    I'm sorry i couldn't figure out how to open your piece until class today, so I hadn't read it, and that wasn't fair, so I'm sorry!
    I really love the honesty and transparency in this piece, both in your opinions of yourself and your behavior, it paints a beautifully told story. As many people mentioned in workshop, I also love the use of Italian throughout the piece. As Cassie said it is very romantic, and the words are similar enough to english that we know what you are saying.
    I would say overall, (again something we workshopped about), I struggled with the take-away or main theme in this piece. I love that it's about Adela, and also about you, and about how you have changed, but speaking more to one of these themes will make the piece stronger. I don't have very much criticism, again I feel we talked about it earlier. Sorry about that, I will use firefox instead of Safari from now on. See you soon!
